duminică, 30 ianuarie 2011

sergent HannaH

serg> HannaH
serg> HannaH by Hannah Punk featuring scoop neck tank tops

i Can't get rid of army clothes.And it's not like i want too...but i wish i could have more .I hope i can still wear my army boots and my dad dicer.

sâmbătă, 29 ianuarie 2011

2011 hairstyle...

Daca abundenta trendurilor 2011 te-au ametit deja,atunci pregateste-te si pentru runda trendurilor leagate de hairstyling...Nu spun acum ca e obligatoriu sa preiei un anumit stil si sa-l porti la epuizare pentru ca e in tendintele anului 2011.Insa cu siguranta putem imprumuta anumite aspecte care,credem noi,ca ne avantajeaza si cu care ne sta bine.

1.Cocul lasat - Guigo Palau ,care a creat look-ul pentru showul lui Nina Ricci -primavara, a fost printre cei care au creat ,am putea spune,una dintre aceste tendinte.

2.Parul pe o parte,fie ca este prin intr-o "ponytail" -coada de cal,fie ca este lasat liber - creat de catre Sam Brocato

3. The Jane Birkin Bang - desi bretonul pare a fi foarte '70,Mulberry,Twinkle si alti designeri care tocmai si-au aratat colectiile pentru primavara pe podium spun altceva.Totul poate fi modern si chic daca stii cum sa le combini.

4.The punky short cut- daca esti pregatita sa faci o schimbare majora ,atunci mergi pe scurt si ciufulit,pe o tunsoare inspirata de stilul punk.Cel putin asta crede Carmen Kass si Balenciaga

5.The Swoop- sau natural,mai bine spus.Luis Vuitton si Rodarte au propus un look cat mai natural,prins intr-o parte pentru a-ti crea impresia de breton.

vineri, 28 ianuarie 2011

Mark Abrahams

Amy Adams photographed by Mark Abrahams for Marie Claire, Jan 2011

miercuri, 26 ianuarie 2011

Can i get a refil...

by Ruok

you are the object of my desire

:"You are the object of my desire

The man of all my dreams

I feel I could explode with passion

My soul breaking at the seams."

marți, 25 ianuarie 2011

the Ballad of Ryan ,Anna,Josh and Dree

Brue Weber-Aug 2010 Vogue Italy

luni, 24 ianuarie 2011

Discover yourself

“We must discover and express for ourselves the fundamental truth that this mind, this body, this moment is all that we have, is all that there is. We believe that our minds as they are, our bodies as they are, are the problem - but we can never exchange this mind for another one or substitute this body for someone else’s.”

- Barry Magid-

duminică, 23 ianuarie 2011

sâmbătă, 22 ianuarie 2011

winter in my heart

Vogue paris 2010

Mario Sorrenti

Freja Beha Erichsen photographed by Mario Sorrenti for Vogue Paris, October 2010

vineri, 7 ianuarie 2011

pages of Fashion...

(prada 2007)

Fashion is fundamental for life…. Even though it may seem a vain waste of time to many, fashion has had just as important and influence on our culture and history as music or literature - perhaps more. Fashion is simply a different sort of art form. It can be politically or socially driven, or simply a form of creating beauty. Fashion is art or a statement you can wear and can cause as much as an impression as any other form of personal expression.”